Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Here's The Deal Doug

Here's The Deal Doug...

I totally get that you want me to give you every last detail about that date between my friend and your brother. I understand that you want to know what happened so you can evaluate and talk about it. And, to your credit, it's really not that big of a deal. I mean, it's just a date, right?
What you need to understand is that I gave my word. I promised that I wouldn't disclose any information about this date to ANYBODY! No, she is not my best friend in the entire world, but that shouldn't matter. People today think that someone else's integrity can be compromised or bought. The sad thing is: they are right. There are many people who sell their integrity because they don't understand what they are doing. It doesn't matter how small a thing it is, I gave my word and that is final. I am a huge fan of Karl G. Maeser's quote that hangs all over campus:

“I have been asked what I mean by “word of honor.” I will tell you. Place me behind prison walls—walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground—there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; BUT stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! 
I’d die first."

That's why I choose to remain quiet. It's not to torture you. It's not to get attention. It's not to tease you. It is simply because I choose to be true to my word. I don't expect you to understand it, but I do ask that you respect it.


Dear Society

Dear Society,

I think I speak for myself and thousands of other girls and women when I say that I am sick of you-sick of you making me feel bad about myself. It is almost impossible to feel beautiful when you are screaming at me that I am not skinny enough, I don't wear enough make-up, and I don't have the most fashionable clothes. This is not news to you. You have been told multiple times by multiple different communities that you are making life miserable for us.


I don't get it...what do you get out of promoting sex appeal? Not only are you destroying thousands of women's self-worth, but you are putting into the minds of men and boys everywhere that they should objectify us. All of a sudden, men are expecting us to be these Barbie dolls that they see all over the media. The worst part: NO ONE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THAT! I totally agree with Megan Treanor on this one: "We know that sh*t ain't real." So why do you continue and continue to do it?

But for realz...

I want to ask who you think you are trying to fool, but that's obvious, isn't it? You've fooled a nation. You've fooled me into thinking that I have to be a size 2 to be beautiful. You make me think that I have to buy expensive clothes and make-up to be acceptable to men. And you've fooled men into having unrealistic expectations. There are innumerable beautiful women out there who can't get a second glance because of the filth that you put into the minds of men.
Now, don't be confused, I agree that people ought to be healthy. We shouldn't let ourselves become obese or completely let ourselves go in protest. We ought to have a certain level of physical attraction to the opposite sex. . . relationships wouldn't work without it. I'm just sayin' that we ought to be promoting real people and not plastic manikins.
Until you change your ways (to be honest, I don't expect you to, but I'm optimistic), I am going to do everything that I can to help people around me. I know I am only 1 person. I know that I don't mean anything to you. BUT, to 1 person, I can mean everything. I can be that one rain drop that starts the flood. And I WILL!


You don't know me now, but you will.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

To My New Adopted Family

To my new adopted family,
I love you all so much! Thank you for taking me and my sister in this weekend. Seriously. You have no idea how much it meant to me and to us that you invited us over to eat and just to spend time with you. I loved having your boys around! It reminded me of my little brother and having him around. It was such a blessing to know that there are still good young men around. And playing with your girls and riding the 4-wheeler and the motorcycle was such an amazing way to get away!
I will have to say that the cherry on top was playing the card game with your family and then having a family prayer before we left to come back to school. I truly am grateful for wholesome family fun. I have never felt so blessed when I heard the head of your family pray for me as if I were his own child. I even wrote my dad an e-mail to tell him how much I appreciate you. Your kindness will never be forgotten and I am eternally grateful to count you among my friends and family!
Love always,

The Dawn of a New Friendship

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ashley Dearest

Ashley Dearest,
Girl! Thank you SO much for inviting me to go Country Swing Dancing with you! En serio, it was so much fun. Transferring universities has its challenges-making friends being the biggest one. I am a pretty shy person, but I love to be involved and have fun. I have found my new addiction.
Also, I should point out that I have always been self-conscious about my weight, and you asking that guy to do the "Can Opener" with me was a confidence-booster. It was also a great motivation to keep trying hard to get into shape. So, yeah, I want to get super skilled at Swing Dancing so, just, THANK YOU for getting me into it!
Also, I know I've said it a million times, but thank you again for getting me the job. It has been one of the greatest blessings to help me with school. I am forever grateful to you!
Love, Monique

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dear Ben

Dear Ben,
Thank you so much for taking me shooting on Saturday! Seriously, that was one of the funnest things I have ever done! I'm addicted. I've been hunting for a decent gun ever since then. I even went to Cabela's today with my dad to look at their stock.
It was really great how good of a sport you were when I outshot you a couple of times. Obviously, I'm not as good as you, but you handled it like a champ.
Also, the Superbowl party was legit! I had s blast! I'm also really glad that you haven't tried to hit on me. I appreciate just being able to hang out with guys and not have to worry about that. You all treated me like "one of the guys" which may be degrading to some women now, but I appreciate it.
So, thanks for just being chill :)

Dear Christopher

Dear Christopher,
     I'll admit, when you first stopped me to ask if I had a moment, I was very skeptical. I thought, "Oh please don't ask me for money." However, when you told me that you had discovered that your purpose in life was to spread a message of peace, I was so touched. Honestly, I think that what you are doing is amazing. We need more people who are like you in this world. We need people who recognize that we are all precious in the sight of God and that we should be loving towards one another. Thank you for brightening my day and reminding me what this life is all about. I wish you the best of luck spreading your message!
Love, Monique